Free Training & Support Sessions for Unpaid Carers

Suppporting the unpaid carers to offer high quality care for those they are looking after as well as improving their wellbeing ( Both Physical , Mental & Emotional Wellbeing).




The Caring for Carers project by Transit Community Support CIC is a collaborative initiative designed to provide comprehensive support to unpaid carers. Working in partnership with councils, such  Hounslow Council, social care projects, charities, GPs , local health providers and community-based organizations, this project aims to ensure that carers receive holistic and integrated support tailored to their needs. By joining forces with these key stakeholders, we are able to offer a wide range of services that complement existing programs, ensuring that carers are supported in every aspect of their lives.

Our project focuses on essential areas such as practical care training, digital support, and the creation of safe conversation spaces. Through this collaborative approach, we are able to deliver high-quality training and support services that empower carers, enhance their skills, and improve their overall wellbeing. Whether it's through equipping carers with the latest caregiving techniques, assisting them with digital tasks, or providing a platform for peer-to-peer interaction, the Caring for Carers project is dedicated to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those who devote themselves to caring for others.


Why We Support Unpaid Carers

Carers dedicate their entire lives to looking after others, often putting the needs of their loved ones above their own. While this commitment is profoundly selfless, it can take a substantial toll on the carers' health—physically, mentally, and emotionally. The demands of their role can lead to chronic stress, fatigue, and burnout, which in turn can contribute to serious long-term health issues such as anxiety, depression, and physical ailments related to the strain of caregiving.

In addition to these health challenges, many carers face significant financial pressures as a direct result of their caregiving responsibilities. The time and energy required to care for a loved one often limit the ability of carers to engage in full-time employment or pursue other income-generating activities. This financial strain can exacerbate the stress they already experience, leading to a cycle of hardship that can be difficult to break.

Recognizing these profound challenges, we are deeply committed to supporting carers in every aspect of their lives. Through our free services, we aim to alleviate some of the burdens that carers carry, providing them with the resources, skills, and support they need to manage their responsibilities effectively while also taking care of their own wellbeing. Our goal is to ensure that carers do not have to face these challenges alone and that they receive the help they need to maintain both their health and financial stability while continuing their vital caregiving role.


Our Free Training & Support 

Care Training Sessions

Training Sessions focus on providing unpaid carers with practical, hands-on training to enhance their caregiving skills. These sessions cover essential topics such as Basic First Aid, Safe Lifting and Handling, Medication Management, safeguarding , dementia awareness and Personal Care. For example, carers can learn how to manage common emergencies, safely lift and move those they care for, and administer medications correctly. These trainings are designed to equip carers with the practical knowledge needed to provide effective, safe, and compassionate care, ultimately improving the wellbeing of those they care for.

All our training sessions are carried out using the Skills for Care framework and are led by professional trainers who are both CPD accredited and Skills for Care Endorsed. This ensures that the training is of the highest standard, providing unpaid carers with up-to-date techniques and practices recognized across the care sector. Through these sessions, carers not only gain valuable skills but also build confidence in their ability to manage caregiving tasks, reducing the risk of injury and enhancing the quality of care they provide.

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Safe Conversation Space & Carers Community Building ( Cohesion)

 our Safe Conversation Space sessions provide unpaid carers with a supportive environment where they can connect with others who understand their unique challenges. These sessions emphasize the importance of peer-to-peer interactions, offering carers the opportunity to share their experiences, discuss their struggles, and exchange practical advice. By engaging in open and honest conversations, carers can gain insights from others in similar situations, helping them to feel less isolated and more supported in their caregiving roles.

The Safe Conversation Space not only serves as a platform for emotional support but also helps carers build meaningful relationships and develop a network of peers they can rely on for ongoing advice and encouragement. This peer-to-peer connection is vital in helping carers manage the emotional and psychological demands of their role, ensuring they feel empowered and supported in their caregiving journey.

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Digital Support  ( Gadgets support , form filling , Digital tasks )

Our Digital Support sessions are tailored to assist unpaid carers with the digital tasks that are increasingly essential in today’s world. These sessions provide hands-on guidance with using gadgets, filling out online forms, and managing various digital tasks. Whether it's setting up a smartphone to monitor health apps, navigating online portals to access benefits, or completing digital paperwork, our sessions ensure carers have the skills they need to handle these tasks confidently and efficiently.

Our Digital Support sessions are designed to make technology accessible and user-friendly for all our carers. By focusing on practical applications, these sessions help carers integrate digital tools into their daily routines, making caregiving more manageable. Additionally, the support provided during these sessions helps reduce the stress and frustration often associated with digital tasks, empowering carers to utilize technology effectively in their caregiving roles.

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Join Us or Refer a Carer 

We invite all unpaid carers to join our free training and support Sessions ( Carers can self refere or organisations or projects can openly refer the community members ) . Whether you're seeking to improve your caregiving skills or simply connect with others who understand your journey, we’re here to support you every step of the way.